First Grade





  •  Read a book of your choice and record the title on the independent reading sheet
  • Math Homelink
  • Spelling words and sentences
  • Xtramath
  • Use the vocabulary word paticipate in a sentence in your vocabulary notebook.*




·      Use the vocabulary word decay in a sentence in your vocabulary notebook.*

·      Reading practice

·      Spelling words and sentences

·      Xtramath

·      Math Homelink



q      Read a book of your choice and record the title on the independent reading sheet

q      Study spelling words for tomorrow’s test

q      Practice math facts at Xtra Math (either at home or school or both)

q      Use the vocabulary word modern in a sentence in your vocabulary notebook.*

q      Math Homelink



q      Read a book of your choice and record the title on the independent reading sheet

q      Practice math facts at Xtra Math (home or school or both)

q      Use the vocabulary word grip in a sentence in your vocabulary notebook.*

q      Math HomeLink



q      Chapter 11 Religion quiz

Any work not finished in class will be sent home to be complete

January 30 early dismissal 11:15

February 1 Mass at 10:15

February 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14     Swimming Lessons at the YMCA.  Swimsuits and towels need to be brought on these days.  I need a volunteer to supervise the boys’ dressing room during swim lessons.  If you can help please let me know.

*This week’s vocabulary words are: disturb, miniature, bizarre, and companion.

Each word is to be used in a sentence written in their vocabulary notebooks; preferably all on the same page.




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